StartUp India- Rising from Ashes

2020 has been a year of upheaval as the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe, upending both business and personal plans. Startups have not been immune, but many have found ways to navigate these changes – or pivot all together- and some have even thrived. The lockdown period has given businesses, small or big to rethink their business models and strategies. Organizations that have been optimistic and open to the imminent VUCA environment have dived into new product lines and some have even diversified into new markets. Corona times as we call the last year has brought along with itself numerous opportunities to innovate and re-innovate, this is because the economy has slowed down, people are increasingly becoming aware of their needs and unnecessary expenditures. That is why it is absolutely elemental to position your brand as a need and not a luxury.

Stepping outside your safe space has now become a rare event. An article by StartUp India states that some of the businesses may flourish even in these tough times. Out of the 8 businesses that it speaks about, one of them is the on-demand delivery business. People nowadays require convenience and they are willing to pay a premium for it, the same is true for businesses. Nobody has the time or willingness today to risk their lives to bring commodities like diesel or other fuel to their facility by manually going to the diesel pumps. And most businesses that use fuel to run their machinery usually require huge quantities of it, obviously.  Fleets like trucks and MUVs are large diesel gobbling giants and run at a risk of emptying tanks while making long journeys. This is where we step in, TankUp asks you to relax while we get you your fuel at market price.  Anywhere, Anytime.

We make sure that not a single drop of fuel is spilled, we let you examine your quality and quantity on-site and all this can be done using a single click on the app. This is our take at re – innovating fuel delivery. We would love to know your thoughts on what else can we do differently to make your life easier?

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